The LR 1L is a Balance Bike designed by the brand Puky to familiarize your child with bicycles. Indeed, this balance bike will allow your child to develop their sense of balance with pleasure and safety. The 12.5" soft tires of the Puky LR 1L require no maintenance while offering excellent grip, silently. Additionally, the safety handles will protect your children's hands to avoid any risk of injury. The banana saddle, on the other hand, is raised at the front, which ensures a good transfer of force from the legs to the balance bike without your child sliding forward on the saddle. Furthermore, the low footboard will ensure safe mounting and dismounting of the balance bike, while the large footboard allows the child to rest their feet on the descent, for safer handling even at higher speeds. Note that the handlebars and saddle are height-adjustable, so the balance bike can adapt to the growth of its rider. Finally, the brand Puky does not limit the steering angle of the LR 1L, allowing the handlebars to lay flat on the ground in case of a fall, significantly reducing the risk of injury.