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Topo Athletic Size Guide

You wish to order a product and would like to know your size? Discover bellow the size chart of the Topo Athletic

Shoes - Women's

Unit of measurementSize
EU Shoe size3737,53838,5394040,5414242,54344,5
US Shoe size66,577,588,599,51010,51112
UK Shoe size44,555,566,577,588,5910
Foot length (cm)22,52323,52424,52525,52626,52727,528,5

You now know your size! Discover now a wide range of Running shoes and all of the Topo Athletic collection !

Shoes - Men's

Unit of measurementSize
EU Shoe size4040,5414242,5434444,5454646,547484950
US Shoe size77,588,599,51010,51111,51212,5131415
UK Shoe size66,577,588,599,51010,51111,5121314
Foot length (cm)2525,52626,52727,52828,52929,53030,5313233

You now know your size! Discover now a wide range of Running shoes and all of the Topo Athletic collection !

How to take well your measurement?

Do not hesitate to ask a friend for help to obtain precise measurements! If your measurements fall between two sizes, we recommend taking the one above.

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